Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why I'm here.

I suppose it would make sense to explain the name of my blog. It's a nod to my daughter, Isla, who at about 15 months of age grew attached to a small stuffed lion, and --
in what would turn out to be our first exposure to the random quirkiness of our three kids -- named it "puppy." To this day, the name befuddles my in-laws, who insist on calling it "Poppy." As if that makes more sense.

(Isla, Puppy, and me. Sidebar: Why is my arm a completely different color than my leg?)

At any rate, when I decided to start blogging, I asked myself, why now? Truth be told, there are many other things I could be doing (pause as I glance left to find a pile of unfolded laundry staring menacingly in my direction ...and pause again as I glance right to the pile of witness interviews that need summarizing). Yup. I'm a stay-at-home mom/ part-time criminal defense attorney/ full-time multitasker. But beyond that, I'm also pretty damn funny. And so are my kids. See Para. 1; see also the image below.

I am a pitiful photographer (as you will soon learn), but I have a vivid memory and hours worth of stories to tell. And so... I write.

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